Referring back to my last post, I think instead of having no "kick" to blog, I'm now more to no "stamina" for blogging any longer because working life had officially started last week.
All I can think of after work is to go home, bath & sleep~ Which explains why you don't get to see me much at night on msn or fb.
Ahh...not forgetting to mention about my encounters with all the macs in office, they got on my nerves the first few days but after a while.. now I feel very use to macbook instead of Blacksugar.
I have the urge to roll my cursor to the bottom or corner whenever I'm looking for something T.T
I love its flexibility that most formal organizations fail to offer.
Most importantly, I love the freedom of casual dressing~ wohoo~
Our entertainer :P
Such a pretty sweetheart :)