Will you immediately click away my page if I say this third post is still gonna be all words?
It's the second week of holiday but I still get not enough rest @.@
Been busy with Amy's wedding + church's christmas production I'm running 2 ways from Sentul/KL to Sunway for few days.
Worst part was.... driving on KL roads with billions of impatience drivers :(
Best part? To be part of the drama team for Christmas production *wink*
Speaking bout Christmas, I noticed mom bought my brother a brand new PSP 2 days ago, my brother was so hang fuk right? That was what I thought as well at first, I even plan to hint my mom to buy me a Nintendo, hehe.
*what to do, siblings competition mer, lol*
Sadly, this 3 days old PSP was robbed yesterday :(
Not only his PSP, even his cash & latest handphone was... puff~ gone...
According to my brother, he & his partner were robbed by a Malay guy who came into their shop with parang knife, thus they had to surrender all their belongings & cash.
I feel very heartache for the money my mom has spent on it, sigh.
Bye bye PSP, bye bye future Nintendo~~~
So be super careful & alert wherever you go my friends,
our country's safety is decreasing everyday there'r no others to protect you but yourselves.
Okay I gotta go prepare myself now,
Christmas production is tonight 9pm & tomorrow morning 10.30am.
Venue: City Harvest Church *opposite of Monash Uni*
Have a blessed Christmas :)
3 weeks ago
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