
Bpsych Colloquium

Finally, the last project has ended along with colloquium today. Awww... major burden all gone~ Why major? Simply because there's still final papers & thesis, duh~

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank those who had tolerated & comforted my unpredictable assignment mood from time to time :) Thanks for making my life so much better.

The latest project for colloquium which I've been busy with past few days:

Day 1: Got all material & information ready

Day 2: Shaped boards + pasted information

Worked with the model till the next morning without sleep @.@

Day 3: Model got connected, proceeded to the tittle.

Day 4: Couldn't sleep well kept thinking of how to get the model to stand.

Somehow I managed to figure out how *you'll get to know later. oh, for those who've seen the model you already know la plz dont laugh @.@*

So, Tadaa!!! Display completed~ Thanks to my group member Sherlyn as well :)

HELP Uni's Bpsych colloquium day.
One of the venues with hundreds of displays & posters did by us students.

Colloquium is basically like an exhibition, plus some poster defenses & thesis presentations.

Woah, speaking about thesis presentation, the next colloquium will be my turn, argg... time flies doesn't it?

Very adorable display

Sheng Mae & colleague's

Siew Yean, Rebecca & Liling's

Ong & colleague's
One of the winning displays.

Ann, Mei Sim & Brandon's

Some other displays with miniatures which I adore a lot :)

After seeing their displays, I guess now you know why my display was placed at this very corner of the room *blushes*...

Nah.... it was placed at the back so that people wouldn't be able to notice its distracting "supports", hohoz.

Don't ask me why I supported the display using these k, not like I've other choices *was completing it middle of the night*. But surprisingly, my "supports" are much more secure that what I thought.

Attendance takers fulfilling their duties

WeeeeWheeet~ A very hot looking Korean *laugh*

Along the crowded corridor, each presentation room has one attendance booth to make sure everything was running in place.

Way too crowded, Don't have the "colloquium" feel like before. I still prefer block E :(

Good day People~
Last sharks attack: Final exam


  1. congrats...
    ur display really special compare to others..
    hehe :>

  2. Yes...I totally agree..

    Her Display was indeed very Special from others. HAHAAHAHAHA

    Cheryl should know wht i meant.

  3. i just notice you linked me and i dint link you!~ lol
    i link you now..

    Good luck for your finals ^^
