This is the 6573957364628 time my cell phone dies away without any prior notice T_T
Few days ago I still managed to off and then on it again whenever this problem hits me. Not this time though, sigh. There's not even a single image got projected into the screen after I restarted the white bloody thing.
When I told the mama bout this she said :"already 3 years what, it's time jor la..."
Judging from her expression I think I'd better not mention bout I-phone.
Ah... another expenses to be included in the waiting list: I-phone. Whoops, I mean er...cell phone.
Oh wait, I manage to on it back now. Treating it like a piece of tofu cause I'm afraid it may dies off anytime @.@ While I still cannot afford a new cell phone now please do not blame me if you fail to reach me, blame my cell phone yea.
On the other hand, blacksugar *my laptop* is giving me lots of problem as well. Have to send it to Dr Benny tomorrow before lunch.
Haihz, I'm being boycotted by most of my gadgets now :(
Why so? Mommy not sayang you all enough is it? Better be good when I'm back from the trip, babies.
p/s: no update till I come back from Jakarta next Friday. Happie holiday coursemates~
3 weeks ago
hAppy hoLiday, cheryl
ReplyDeleteenjoy ur trip.. many gadgets not working properly leh. i know it can b very frustrating one. like c'mon technology! xD