Leaving them behind, I pushed open the examination door, it seemed to be much lighter as compared to entering. Hmm.. should be my hallucination. At the same time I kept seeing words like "criterion" "content" "validity" "norms" and "error" like how Tom sees stars above his head after being hit by Jerry. This one confirm was hallucination...
I know how I look today, completely like this @.@
Anyhow, the paper was much better than what I expected. At least there was some form of understanding to me, unlike previous PSY 106 which I had zero knowledge on, all I did was.... tembak -.-''' Okay the mama better not know bout this.
I think I've got no FATE with statistics and SPSS, whatever related to them I sure die~ Especially when lecturer of the subject is NOT Ms Winnee. Not to say that she's a genius lecturer *though she is* but the way she conducts her class can definitely suck all our attention. Cause she's fast like... like a tornando wtf.
I'm not criticizing her ok, you get what I mean la (Cheong, 2009). And NO, I DID NOT fail my PSY106 ok, I passed. Probably need to thank the error variance, lol.
Sorry peeps, I'm using quite a number of alien language today, exam just over what, still cannot get them out of my head yet. Btw, error variance = error which affects a particular result to be either positive/ negative. *from my understanding*
Been snacking on Maltesers during revision :) Sshhhhhh.....it's the mama's property.
Alright, I should start revising on tomorrow's cognitive paper.
All the best, fellow coursemates :)
good luck ^u^