Few days ago I still managed to off and then on it again whenever this problem hits me. Not this time though, sigh. There's not even a single image got projected into the screen after I restarted the white bloody thing.
When I told the mama bout this she said :"already 3 years what, it's time jor la..."
Judging from her expression I think I'd better not mention bout I-phone.
Ah... another expenses to be included in the waiting list: I-phone. Whoops, I mean er...cell phone.
Oh wait, I manage to on it back now. Treating it like a piece of tofu cause I'm afraid it may dies off anytime @.@ While I still cannot afford a new cell phone now please do not blame me if you fail to reach me, blame my cell phone yea.
On the other hand, blacksugar *my laptop* is giving me lots of problem as well. Have to send it to Dr Benny tomorrow before lunch.
Haihz, I'm being boycotted by most of my gadgets now :(
Why so? Mommy not sayang you all enough is it? Better be good when I'm back from the trip, babies.
p/s: no update till I come back from Jakarta next Friday. Happie holiday coursemates~
Happie Bday to me!
On the 20th of April, I turned 22 :)
Nope, none of my features were changed to resemble Angelababy's but nevertheless I'm still doing good.
Eye infection
Look!!!!!! I found an alien eye inside my wardrobe!!
Nah.. just kidding. It's my bare eye. An infected left eye. I swear it looks red-er than this picture but dono why my camera failed to capture its redness *ishh...throw Olympus away*
This infection has no prior warning, no itchiness no pain or whatsoever. I only realized it when I looked into the mirror before class yesterday.
So I thought:" Aiyer, nothing wan la, small matter don't need to see doctor. Wash my contact lens properly can already." I pulled off my lenses once I reached home and dare not wear them since then.
To my horror, when I woke up this morning the redness still remained. What to do, have to see doctor this time @.@
The doctor which I consulted was very cool, as in attitude ok. He said:
- no contact lenses until infection is fully recovered
- throw away your lenses for this month, the casing and also your lens solution
No negotiation at all you know T_T
The most tragic part was, I didn't make it to church's Easter production because of this stupid infection *grumpy face*That's it, I'm a fulltime 'sai ngan mui' *spec girl* under medication from now on till..... I have no idea till when T_T God bless me~
Oh btw, please do not ask me out at the moment cause I've very low self esteem when I'm wearing glasses, lol... what more will it be when I'm wearing glasses fulltime. FULLTIME!!!
p/s: all the best for final, course mates :)4.09.2009
The more I look at her, the more I feel the urge to do plastic surgery @.@
How can we both live on the same planet earth but differ so much in appearance? *cause I assume alien from other planets look the same, if only they exist la* Why o why :(
Okay, I've one birthday wish now
I WANNA HAVE JUST HALF OF HER FEATURES, yea just half is good enough, lol.
Huhuz.. this is what you get when final is just few days away.
On a side note, Jakarta & Bandung trip is confirmed, yahoo!!!
p/s: since some friends had asked bout present, there'r only 2 forbidden gifts in my list: soft toys & decoration figures which serve no purpose but attracting dust :)
Bpsych Colloquium
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank those who had tolerated & comforted my unpredictable assignment mood from time to time :) Thanks for making my life so much better.
The latest project for colloquium which I've been busy with past few days:
Sheng Mae & colleague's